Friday, June 3, 2011

Final Countdown

I found the final Harry Potter book to be the most traumatic. Rowling throws death in left and right. She starts off with the rough hit of Hedwig's death followed shortly by George's missing ear and then the death of Mad Eye Moody. Not long after all of that, Harry's world is sent catapulting into a new disaster. By turning Harry against his memories of Dumbledore, Rowling also turns the audience against the memory of Dumbledore. Both Harry and the reader struggles with how to feel about the previous hero. The tone of the book does not improve as the chapters progress. Around the middle of the book, Rowling kills off the long loved Dobby. Right after this the book takes a pretend upturn with the birth of Teddy, the child of Lupin and Tonx. By the end of the battle of Hogwarts Fred, Lupin, Tonx, and many others have all died. Who does Rowling not kill? HARRY. I know that it sounds awful but a large part of me wishes that he had been one of the many. I had spent 6 books being irritated at how incompetent Harry was and how he only seemed to have come thus far by pure luck and the help of others.
I do regret that there was not a book, even a short one, about what happened with all of them after the fall of Voldemort.

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