A major theme in the Harry Potter series is coming of age. The main character we see this in is Harry Potter. At such a young age, Harry went from living with muggles to being in a completely different world at Hogwarts. You can see a major change in the way he acted with the Dursleys before he found out about the wizarding world and after he spent some time at Hogwarts. He no longer lived an isolated life. He had friends and was able to go out and explore. Although Harry had help from Hagrid when he was getting ready to attend his first year at the new school, he also had to figure out a lot on his own and in some ways, become an adult. He had dealt with a lot more trauma than most kids his age have had to deal with which made him develop throughout the books.
Another character that has shown coming of age is Neville. In the beginning of the series, Neville is very shy and often makes mistakes in class, seeming to not be as good as all the other students. He is always being put down by Professor Snape. Snape even told Professor Lupin not to trust him with anything important in his class. Then there are times when he succeeds. In the third book, Neville is able to destroy the boggart after Lupin told him to picture Snape in his grandmothers clothes. Throughout the books, he grows to where he is able to speak up when he needs to. A time that stands out for me is when he blocked the portrait hole and was willing to fight Ron, Hermione, and Harry to stop them from sneaking out.
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